
WOODLAND HILLS : Mall Anchor Store Plans to Reopen

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The Promenade at Woodland Hills, the mall that rushed to reopen less than a week after the Northridge earthquake, is expected to get another of its anchor stores back on line next month.

The two-story I. Magnin plans to reopen in mid-April, Shirley Wilson said Wednesday from the company’s public relations office in San Francisco.

I. Magnin, which underwent a major renovation in October--with new carpets, fixtures, paint and wallpaper--suffered structural damage to walls and ceilings, Wilson said, and much of the renovation work was ruined. Most of the store’s merchandise was destroyed or damaged as well, she said. But Saks Fifth Avenue, the New York-based department store, will not reopen its quake-damaged store in Woodland Hills, said Jaqui Lividini, public relations director.


Officials at the Promenade are deciding whether to replace Saks with another department store or use the space for other purposes, said Kim Solomon, the mall’s general manager.

“We’ve been talking with both fashion department stores in addition to considering replacing Saks with entertainment such as movie theaters and other retail,” Solomon said.

Bullock’s, another of the Promenade’s anchor stores, reopened about a week after the temblor struck, causing water damage and breakage on its third floor.


Of the 47 smaller stores in the mall, 46 are open, Solomon said.

“We’re close to being back to normal,” Solomon said.
