
Full Credit for the Inquiry : But the findings about the Hebron massacre are truly shocking

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The commission of inquiry named by Israel’s government to investigate an Israeli’s massacre of Muslim worshipers in Hebron Feb. 25 has elicited the astonishing information that Israeli troops are forbidden to shoot at Jewish settlers in the disputed territories, no matter how great the threat or the provocation.

This Israeli army order, which certainly was known to the armed settlers, in effect has been an invitation to lawlessness and on more than one occasion before the slaughter at the Tomb of the Patriarchs was taken as such. Indeed, just weeks before that tragedy settlers engaged in a shooting spree in the largely Arab-inhabited town of Hebron while soldiers stood by passively. Perhaps if the questions that are being asked now about violence committed by some settlers had been asked then, the massacre at the mosque could have been prevented.

Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin’s government deserves full credit for trying to uncover the obviously embarrassing facts about the Hebron killings. But no matter how vigorously the official inquiry is pursued, it will fall short if it fails to prompt some basic changes on the West Bank, in overall security procedures and in government policy toward the settlers.


Testimony has shown that Israeli security at the mosque was lax beyond belief. Three of the Israeli guards who were supposed to be on duty had overslept, a fourth was apparently in the habit of seldom reporting for duty. Baruch Goldstein, who carried out the massacre, was allowed to enter the area carrying a rifle and a large bag of ammunition and with ear protectors of the kind used on firing ranges. His intentions should not have been a mystery to anyone.

For far too long Israeli settlers, and especially the few thousand militants among them, have been allowed to act as if they were a state within a state, immune from some of the legal constraints that apply to all others who live under Israeli law. The price of official tolerance for their activities has proven to be enormous.

Israel has long been concerned with controlling the Palestinians it governs. It invites further tragedy if it doesn’t move vigorously now to better control its own citizens.
