
SUN VALLEY : Park Prepares to ‘Get Back to Normal’

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With the federal disaster assistance center now closed at Stonehurst Park, recreation officials there are gearing up to return to regular activities.

“Now we can get back to normal,” said Randy Kelly, recreation director at the park.

The disaster center, set up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Jan. 20, closed Tuesday night.

While it was open, indoor recreational programs for about 300 people had to be relocated. A youth basketball league and a model-airplane flying club--both accustomed to using the indoor gym at the center--were moved outside. Other activities were held elsewhere in the San Fernando Valley.


As of Wednesday, regular athletic and educational programs were returned to the park’s recreation center. In two weeks, the center will hold registration for spring activities. One program of particular concern for Kelly was the youth basketball league, which had to play outside. Fortunately, none of the games were rained out, he said.

“It never rained during a Saturday,” Kelly said. “We were lucky.”
