
No Cruelty Involved in Keeping Bimbo Alive

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* As the veterinarian responsible for the care of Bimbo, the dog burned during the earthquake, I feel compelled to respond to the letter (March 6) regarding the “cruelty” involved in trying to save her.

Bimbo’s owner, Jim Menzi, his family and friends, myself and my dedicated staff worked very hard day and night for almost a month in an effort to return Bimbo to the life she loved.

Not for a single moment during her treatment was her “quality of life” ignored. She never missed a meal. She looked forward to her walks in the fresh air. She stood patiently for each of her baths and treatments. She was given pain medication regularly despite her not showing evidence of being in pain. My staff grew to love her and grieved her loss right along with her family.


I believe the letter writer and others of similar opinions are judging from their own quite personal and quite human perspectives.

I would ask them to be less quick to judge and to perhaps rethink their own philosophies with regard to animal medicine vs. animal suffering. Many pets are needlessly destroyed each year under the umbrella of “humaneness” when the degree of suffering necessary to return them to a normal life would have been negligible.

Bimbo’s life was precious, probably to her and certainly to her master. Her fight for life took courage on the part of everyone involved. It would have been easier for Jim to put her to sleep, but he wanted something better for his dog. I can’t say he was wrong. Neither can anyone else.



North Hollywood
