
POLITICAL FOREST: Seal Beach’s Marina Hill section...

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POLITICAL FOREST: Seal Beach’s Marina Hill section became so thick with reelection signs for Mayor Gwen Forsythe that residents nicknamed the area “Forsythe Forest.” But this week, with Tuesday’s city election approaching, somebody mysteriously swiped nearly 300 signs citywide for Forsythe and her council ally, Marilyn Bruce Hastings. . . . Seal Beach police are investigating. Meanwhile, their supporters are busy creating handmade replacement placards.

THE BIGS: Junior amateur golf champion Kellee Booth of Coto de Caza got her first chance to tee it up in a professional tournament, at this week’s Dinah Shore event in Palm Springs (C12). So how did she fare in Thursday’s first round? A frustrating 43 on her first nine holes. But her second nine, Booth showed she can play with the best of them, with a 2-under 34. “It was a wonderful experience, just a matter of settling down,” she says. She’ll have to improve that 77 today, though, to make the weekend cutoff.

RABBI(T) HELP: Bugs Bunny may or may not be Jewish, but he came in handy Thursday at the Tarbut V’Torah Community Day School in Costa Mesa. Rabbi Marc Rubenstein used him and Tweety Pie, above, in a puppet show to explain the meaning behind Saturday’s Passover Seder. . . . “We always do a model Seder before Passover, sort of a dress rehearsal,” says Principal Bernice Gelman. “The rabbi and his puppets most effectively brought historical events into contemporary life.”


NEW DUCK TROUPE: If you saw the first “Mighty Ducks” movie, then you’ll notice a change of uniform for the young team of misfits in Disney’s “D2 The Mighty Ducks” (F10). First life imitated art, when the Disney NHL hockey team was named after the movie. Now art imitates life: The new movie team uses the real Mighty Ducks logo and uniform. The movie, filmed partly at Anaheim Arena with thousands of local extras, opens at 26 theaters in the county today.
