
Conflicting Views on Ordination of Women

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Re “Church of England to Ordain Women,” March 12:

The response of the Roman Catholic Church to the recent ordination of 32 women by the Church of England was, sadly, predictable. With its feet firmly implanted in its own traditional stance against the ordination of women, the Catholic Church saw this action on the part of the Church of England as a new barrier toward an eventual reunion of the two Churches.

If the future of ecumenical dialogue is to be placed in grave peril due to the gender of the presbyters, then one may deduce that its future is grim. Rather than focusing on gender issues, ecumenical dialogue must focus on the religious denomination’s ability to aid the individual in becoming truly human, as Jesus was truly human and its ability to build up, not tear down the Kingdom of God in our midst. The Roman Catholic Church must shift its focus to the major doctrinal similarities between itself and the Anglican community rather than the customs that still, shamefully, separate us.


Laguna Hills
