
City Rejects Bid to Repair Police Radios

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Concerned about hindering police response during emergencies, the Simi Valley City Council has rejected a bid by a company that said it could take up to five days to repair damaged police radios.

City staff had recommended that the council award a $124,000 contract to Motorola Communications and Electronics to tend the Police Department’s 387 car and motorcycle communication radios.

The contract would have also required the company to maintain the Police Department’s dispatch center and radio control center.


But Councilman Bill Davis said he was worried that the lag in radio repair time could jeopardize the safety of residents, especially during emergencies.

“With that five-day delay you could easily have four or five cars sitting around without radios,” Davis said. “If an emergency like the earthquake strikes, that’s going to be a major problem.”

The rest of the council agreed and sent the contract back out to bid with the stipulation that repairs must be made within three days or replacement radios provided.


A new recommendation is expected to be before the council within 30 days.
