
Don’t Put Out the Welcome Mat for Illegals

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* When will the Los Angeles Times take down its welcome sign for illegals? When will you stop making these criminals into heroes?

Ten or 20 illegals endanger themselves and us by hiding in small pickups and cars, and you print, “Immigrants’ Dreams Also Died in Pickup Truck Crash” (March 17). Now you have a story of an illegal, “Joyful Escape Ends Behind Bars” (March 27) who hopes for asylum here “with no recreation, no TV, no library and regular visiting hours.”

Hold the Kleenex! Why does the L.A. Times sympathize with illegals who turn their backs on their people and deal with smugglers, make counterfeit documents and enter the United States illegally?


Take a reality check! Fact: You cannot solve the oppression, ethnic cleansing, lack of human rights, poverty, overpopulation for all the countries of the world by inviting all of them here for asylum. Real heroes work for change inside their own countries and respect the laws and rights of others.


