
DIFFERENT SUNRISE: The county’s churches will be...

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DIFFERENT SUNRISE: The county’s churches will be filled today with Easter worshipers. But you don’t have to go to church for a solemn observance. For 33 years, thousands have gone to the Forest Lawn Memorial-Park sunrise service on Lincoln Avenue in Cypress. . . . “We get a lot of people who don’t attend a church regularly, but need a place to go because this day is special for them too,” says cemetery spokesman the Rev. Ron Beams. Today’s outdoor service begins at 6.

FREEBIE BASEBALL: The California Angels start their 1994 season on the road Tuesday in Minnesota, so you’ll have to wait until April 11 to see them at Anaheim Stadium. As always, some days may be better for going to the ballpark than others. The Angels have special events planned for 25 home games. . . . Among the giveaways this year: umbrellas, kids’ helmets, sports bags and bike bags. The first one is April 17, the Toronto game, with magnetic calendars for the first 35,000 fans only.

FAIRING WELL: It was 22 years ago that Becky Bailey-Findley first worked in the county fair’s livestock section. Each summer she kept going back, though busy with a high school teaching career. “I really loved it; it got in my blood,” she says. She joined the staff full time in 1986 and worked her way through the ranks. . . . Last month she was named the new general manager for the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center.


INSTANT HEAT: One hot issue for the new fairgrounds general manager: neighbors’ complaints about loud concerts at the Pacific Amphitheatre. The fair board took it over last year in attempt to keep things under control. Now Bailey-Findley is promoting the 8,500-seat outdoor concert facility’s availability for rental. “We’re looking for groups compatible with the neighborhood,” she says. . . . Examples: upcoming graduation exercises and a police drug program. The standard rental rate is 10% of the gross ticket sales with a $7,500 minimum. But Bailey-Findley says her office will work something out with nonprofit groups.
