
BURBANK : Business Group Waits for Boost From City

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Downtown Burbank Stakeholders Assn. has been able to stretch its budget--which would have run out in April--until the City Council votes next month on whether to set up a business improvement district, Executive Director Gwen Pentecost said.

The group, made up of local business leaders and property owners, hopes the district will help revitalize downtown Burbank by using a special tax assessment to fund special services and promotions to boost business.

The funding was to have run out next Tuesday, Pentecost said. About $6,700 was saved because Pentecost’s health insurance was not as expensive as expected and she also took an unpaid week of vacation.


“I have to account for every nickel,” said Pentecost, who has worked with the city redevelopment agency to stretch the budget. The City Council was scheduled to vote on the district April 19 after a special hearing, but that was pushed back to May 3.

A more important task for Pentecost is gathering support behind the improvement district. If there are objections from a majority of those who would be required to pay fees to run the district, it could not legally be formed.

According to preliminary figures, the district may cost each business 60 cents per square foot of space plus one-quarter of 1% of annual gross sales, Pentecost said.


The district would include about 100 downtown businesses that are on the street level and rely on walk-in business. Downtown firms that do not rely on street-level business would be excluded.
