
Condos: Project Defeated in Redondo

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Kudos to Councilmen Joseph Dawidziak, Robert Pinzler and Stevan Colin for their courageous and intelligent votes against the Bidamar condo project at a recent public hearing. (Times, March 3) This vote will serve the city well for years to come.

Kudos also go to Mayor Brad Parton. By allowing Bidamar to make a full 75-minute presentation, the mayor made it virtually impossible for Bidamar to claim that they didn’t get a fair and full hearing.

Many thanks to all of the residents who put their time and money into defeating this project. You have much to be proud of. A special thanks for Delhia Vechi, the driving force behind this victory.


Finally, a big thank you goes out to District 2 Councilman Greg Hill. Hill’s vote to add 163 new condos to his neighboring district should make it easier to replace him after one term.


Redondo Beach
