
ELECTIONS / 20TH STATE SENATE DISTRICT : Late Donations Flow to Roberti and Foes

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Thousands of dollars in political contributions continue to flow to both sides of the heated battle over the San Fernando Valley seat held by state Sen. David A. Roberti.

Late donations pouring into Roberti’s campaign coffers since March 26 amount to at least $29,350, boosting his election war chest to nearly $700,000. That figure is just shy of he $750,000 he has estimated it would take to retain his seat.

His last-minute contributions included $5,000 from Arco; $4,100 from the California League of Conservation Voters, an environmental group, and $1,000 from Philip Morris USA, the tobacco interest. Other contributors included attorneys and political action committees for nurses, court reporters and a machinists’ union.


On the other side, the Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County pumped $13,300 of the party’s money into printing and distributing mailers urging Roberti’s recall.

The county GOP committee also accepted $2,875 from Gun Owners of California, which seeks to unseat the Van Nuys Democrat because of his 1989 assault-weapon ban. The sum was reported as an in-kind contribution for mailers to Republicans in the 20th Senate District.

Altogether, four groups trying to recall Roberti reported receiving or spending a total of nearly $50,000 since March 26 for a last-minute blitz of mail advertising. That figure very likely will rise as more contributions trickle in before Tuesday’s election.


The groups reporting their 11th-hour transactions to the secretary of state’s office include the county Republican committee, Gun Owners of California, the Van Nuys-based Coalition to Restore Government Integrity, and Californians Against Tax Increases, a statewide government reform advocacy organization.

Only two of the five candidates seeking Roberti’s seat filed reports of late contributions. They are Dolores White of Van Nuys, who won the local GOP endorsement and who reported getting $2,000 from the California Voters Alliance, and Al Dib, a retired owner of a produce business who said he received $3,500 from individuals and businesses.

White has at least $13,091 in her campaign coffers, and Dib has at least $24,700. Another challenger, Randy Linkmeyer, has at least $9,508 for his state Senate bid.


By law, candidates have to file reports disclosing who gave them late contributions of $1,000 or more since the last filing deadline, which was March 26. The notices must be filed within 24 hours of receipt of the money.

Of Roberti’s last-minute contributions of $1,000 or more, none of the $29,350 came from the San Fernando Valley, records show.

The legislator, who represented Hollywood for most of his 27-year career before winning his Valley seat in 1992, has been criticized for having few longtime ties to the community and for accepting money from outside his district.

Times staff writer John Schwada contributed to this story.
