
Medical Disciplinary Actions

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The Medical Board of California licenses physicians and other medical professionals. It also investigates medical complaints and issues disciplinary actions. The most serious penalties are license revocation, suspension and probation.

These are the Los Angeles County medical professionals subject to serious disciplinary actions between Dec. 1, 1992, and July 30, 1993, according to medical board documents. Final actions are published only after all appeals are exhausted.

DOCTORS Hai Abdul, M.D., Los Angeles: Failure to sufficiently detail patient’s medical chart, repeated negligent acts by failing to adequately assist in the proper care or treatment of the patient. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation with condition including no solo practice. Effective June 19, 1993.


Anthony L. Barnert, M.D., Valencia: Gross negligence in the treatment of a patient because at the time respondent was suffering from a bipolar disorder. Failure to transfer patient to ICU and failure to visit patient in hospital. Revocation of license stayed; lifetime probation with condition that he is prohibited from performing surgery. Effective July 5, 1993.

Patrick F. Brennen, M.D., Redondo Beach: Disciplined by state Medical Board of Florida for unprofessional conduct. License revoked in Florida for prescribing controlled substances to six people who were not his patients, including his wife. Failed to keep medical records of his course of treatment of his wife. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective June 19, 1993.

Joseph Eshaghian, M.D., Los Angeles: Repeated negligent acts, incompetence and excessive prescribing or administering of drugs or treatment. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective June 30, 1993.


Ziyad A. Ghabra, M.D., Lancaster: Sexual misconduct with a patient. License revoked. Effective May 28, 1993.

Michael Hmura, M.D., Los Angeles: Violated conditions of probation by failing to undergo psychiatric testing and treatment, failing to complete continuing education requirements and failing to report misdemeanor malicious mischief conviction. License revoked. Effective July 16, 1993.

Mansour Jahangiri, M.D., Los Angeles: Gross negligence and dishonesty in his treatment of a patient. Respondent aided and abetted an unlicensed person in the practice of medicine. License revoked. Effective Dec. 6, 1992.


Earl Farrar Jordan, M.D., Los Angeles: During an in-office neurological examination of four male patients, the respondent fondled the patients’ penises and attempted to orally copulate the patients. Voluntary surrender of license on Aug. 28, 1993.

Joong Tai Kim, M.D., Los Angeles. Unprofessional conduct, acts of dishonesty or corruption and insurance fraud. Made false medical records and billed for services not rendered. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective June 24, 1993.

Jung Hi Kim, Reseda: Repeated negligent acts for failure to properly diagnose and treat two hospitalized babies. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective June 24, 1993.

William Kupferschmidt, M.D., Hawthorne: Conviction on 10 counts of Medi-Cal fraud and one count of grand theft. One year suspension of license stayed; three years probation. Effective Feb. 5, 1993.

Sheldon Lipshutz, M.D., Woodland Hills: Gross negligence and incompetence. Respondent performed a tonsillectomy on a patient, after which the patient suffered a postoperative hemorrhage. Respondent failed to promptly recognize, monitor or undertake prompt measures to control the hemorrhage. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective June 20, 1993.

Gregory A. Marks, M.D., Los Angeles: Violated conditions of probation by submission of false medical records, dishonesty or corruption in misrepresentation of hospital affiliations on hospital privilege application. License revoked. Effective June 17, 1993.


Abraham Mekelburg, M.D., Van Nuys: Gross negligence, excessive prescribing of controlled substances to three patients. One of these patients was an addict undergoing treatment. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective Feb. 19, 1993.

Brownell H. Payne, M.D., Culver City: Convicted of grand theft. Dishonesty or corruption by false and fraudulent billings to Medi-Cal. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective April 5, 1993.

Fernando Perez Jr., M.D., Los Angeles: Convicted on six counts of violating the Georgia Controlled Substances Act. Unlawfully distributing hydromorphone, a controlled substance. Respondent’s credentials to practice medicine were suspended by the Army in Georgia for six months with a six-year probationary period. License revoked. Effective March 24, 1993.

Richard Siggers, M.D., La Mirada: Excessive prescribing and prescribing without good faith exam with many patients. Shot and wounded ex-wife, shot at stepdaughter. License revoked. Effective July 20, 1993.

Merrill T. Syphus, M.D., Pasadena: Gross negligence in overprescribing. Revocation of license stayed; license suspended for 60 days; five years probation. Effective July 1, 1993.

PHYSICAL THERAPISTS William Skelly, Rancho Palos Verdes: Falsifying license application in stating he had never been convicted of a crime. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective Feb. 14, 1993.


Cristina Wallick, Monrovia: Convicted on one count of willfully and unlawfully receiving stolen property. Committed a fraudulent and corrupt act. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective May 15, 1993.

RESPIRATORY CARE PRACTITIONERS Michael Barnard, Thousand Oaks: Employed as a respiratory care practitioner with an expired license. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective June 10, 1993.

Francisco D. Deguzaman, Glendale: Possession of controlled substances without a prescription. License revoked. Effective July 28, 1993.

Scott D. Hauser, Gardena: Convicted of disturbing the peace, possession of controlled substances, one count of battery and second-degree burglary. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective March 16, 1993.

Maria Hernandez, North Hollywood: Convicted of willful cruelty to a child under circumstances likely to produce bodily injuries. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective June 10, 1993.

Eldred Jones, Los Angeles: Prior conviction for theft. License revoked. Effective July 28, 1993.


Erwing Medal, Lynwood: Conviction for driving with a suspended license, giving false information to police and possession of cocaine. License revoked. Effective July 2, 1993.

Steven P. Ronco, Torrance: Prior conviction for driving under the influence. Three years probation. Effective March 17, 1993.

ACUPUNCTURISTS Dong Hee Choi, Los Angeles: Conviction for misdemeanor bribery in connection with unlawfully obtaining license without legitimately passing exam. License revoked. Effective Feb. 25, 1993.

Jong-Sook Kim, Los Angeles: Falsified treatment reports and billings for services she did not render. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective June 10, 1993.

Doo Taek Lim, Los Angeles: Gross negligence in the care and treatment of two patients. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective Jan. 7, 1993.


Kay C. Lumas, Altadena: Conviction of a crime for Medi-Cal fraud. License revoked. Effective June 12, 1993.


Larry E. Staal, Long Beach: Gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the fitting and selling of hearing aids. License revoked. Effective March 5, 1993.

PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS Lesline R. Anderson, Inglewood: Convicted of submitting fraudulent Medi-Cal claims, issuing false prescriptions. Revocation of license stayed, license suspended 90 days, three years’ probation.

Effective July 27, 1993.

PODIATRIC MEDICINE E. Jeffrey Barney, Los Angeles: Committed repeated acts of clearly excessive prescribing and administering of drugs; for prescribing, dispensing and furnishing dangerous drugs to a person without medical indication; for gross negligence and unprofessional conduct. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective Dec. 30, 1992.

Timothy Dale James, Long Beach: Selling equipment, supplies or services to a person with knowledge that they will be used illegally. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective Feb. 6, 1993.

PSYCHOLOGISTS Elaine Marcia Goldberg, West Hollywood: Gross negligence in refusing to return patients’ files to her employer and threatening to destroy the files if the employer did not pay her $20,000. Failed to register with Psychology Board or accrue necessary experience before supervising an assistant. Misrepresenting her license status. License revoked. Effective May 30, 1993.

Jeremy Sarchet, Whittier: Fraud, dishonesty and deceit in verifying false records for a former patient to a school. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective June 3, 1993.


Michael Jay Scher, Los Angeles: Gross negligence in sexual misconduct with a patient. License revoked. Effective May 15, 1993.


Alan Schlaks, Lancaster: Sexual misconduct with a patient. License revoked. Effective Dec. 10, 1992.

Source: Medical Board of California, Sacramento

Compiled by Times researcher TRACY THOMAS
