
SANTA ANA : Movie Star Mixes With His Fans

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Until this week, few students at Martin R. Heninger Elementary School had ever met a movie star, and probably none had ever been licked on the face by one.

But that changed Tuesday morning, when about 750 excited students greeted one of their favorite stars of the silver screen, a 9-year-old golden retriever named Ben.

During his visit, the friendly dog, who played “Shadow” in the lead role of Disney’s 1993 movie “Homeward Bound,” performed tricks and acted out scenes from the film to the cheers and wild applause of students.


The assembly was part of a four-day series designed to pique students’ interest in careers dealing with animals, said teacher Martha Gonzalez, who helped organize the event. During the assemblies, which conclude today, students have also heard animal trainers, veterinarians, farmers and police officers talk about their jobs.

Clearly, Ben was the biggest hit with the students. Gonzalez said the children were so excited about Ben’s visit that “all of them went home and bought the movie (video).”

“I saw a movie star dog, and he was fun,” said Jaime Benavides, 10.

Jaime, who said he wants to be a veterinarian, added: “I like dogs. What I like about dogs is that they’re nice to people.”


During the visit, Ben’s trainer, Nancy Mulica, guided him through several tricks such as barking on command, waving at the crowd, playing dead and growling. She also offered children tips on dealing with unfamiliar dogs and avoiding being bitten.

“Don’t run. Nasty dogs like the idea of chasing and knocking down” people, she said. She also advised children to clench their fists in the presence of an unfamiliar or threatening dog. When people strike dogs they usually do so with a slap, she said, and the animals can misconstrue the open hand of a stranger as a threat.

Also, children should ask a person’s permission before petting or hugging an unfamiliar dog. They should show the dog that they are friendly by scratching its neck and underneath its chin with palms facing up.


Roger Gonzalez, 8, took a few photos of Ben and said he was pleased to make a new friend: “He’s nice. I like him.”

Judging from the way Ben nuzzled Roger, the feeling was mutual.
