
School Parking Lot Ripe for Crime

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This letter is in response to the story on the attempted car theft at El Camino Real High School in Woodland Hills (March 10).

I was in class at the time of the incident. When I heard of the shooting half an hour later, I was stunned. I had always believed that crime did not exist in our peaceful West Valley school.

After some thinking, I realized that our school is a perfect place for theft. Even after the administration insisted for the safety of students not to bring cellular phones, radios or beepers, kids still ignore these rules. Not only does bringing these items make theft appealing, but kids are also putting themselves in danger of being attacked.


By looking at our school parking lot, one can find brand-new expensive cars that do not usually appear on too many other campuses.

Often, kids are careless and leave their doors unlocked or their windows rolled down, making theft almost inevitable.

Parents should then consider the responsibility of their children before purchasing an expensive item for them.


MINA BALI, West Hills
