
Murder Trial Tells Tales Seedy and Bizarre : Courts: The defendant allegedly had her husband killed, then flirted with an investigating officer. Other characters include a confessed hit man who drank 30 beers a day.

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As David Navarro tells it, he was a young man with big dreams and a puny wallet in November, 1988. So when he needed someone to bankroll his fledgling house-hunting business, he turned to Mary Ellen Samuels, the mother of one of his friends.

Samuels said money was tight, but she did have a job for him. She asked Navarro to kill her estranged husband, according to Navarro’s recent testimony in Van Nuys Superior Court.

“I just blew it off. It was like, yeah, whatever. . . . I didn’t know how to exactly respond,” Navarro told the jury. So he said he’d think about it, “to bide time.”


The next day, Nov. 11, Navarro was in a car accident and received a ticket. “I took it as a warning,” he said, adding that he turned down the murder contract that night, emphatically saying “no, no, no.” Samuels, Navarro said, told him he was being “silly.”

So went another fairly typical day in court at Mary Ellen Samuels’ double murder trial. As a fifth week of testimony begins, a strange tale is unfolding of a dysfunctional family with even weirder friends, and the best drama is yet to come. If two people weren’t dead and other lives ruined, it could be funny.

The testimony has included talk of killing a man by dropping a 400-pound can opener on him at the family’s Sherman Oaks sandwich shop, and of cutting another man into pieces to be shipped around the world. Even Detective George Daley Jr. of the Los Angeles Police Department wasn’t spared from the nastiness. As his murder investigations heated up, witnesses said, Samuels taught her pet bird to say, “Daley’s a dick.”


Much of the unflattering portrayal of Samuels and her daughter, Nicole, has come from prosecution witnesses who once were their closest friends.

“You won’t like most of the prosecution witnesses,” Deputy Dist. Atty. Jan Maurizi warned the jury as the trial began. But, she reminded jurors, “there is a great difference between liking a person and believing a person.”

Defense attorney Phil Nameth has urged jurors to keep open minds until his client can take the witness stand and explain matters. Nicole Samuels-Moroianu also hopes to testify for her mother, but because prosecutors consider her an unindicted co-conspirator, her status as a witness is unclear.


In both deaths, Samuels, 45, is accused of murder, soliciting murder, attempted murder and conspiracy. Her estranged husband, Robert Samuels, a 40-year-old motion picture camera operator who worked on the films “Lethal Weapon” and “Heaven Can Wait,” was shot to death in his Northridge home Dec. 8, 1988. James Bernstein, 27, a small-time Sherman Oaks cocaine dealer and the hit man Mary Ellen Samuels allegedly hired, was strangled and dumped in remote Lockwood Canyon in Ventura County in June, 1989.

Many of the witnesses--including Navarro, his former fiancee, Celina Krall, and another friend, Heidi Dougall, became teary-eyed on the stand when asked why they did not warn Robert Samuels and Bernstein or go to the police. They said they were scared and didn’t know what to do. They said they thought their names might appear next on the hit list.

No one seemed to question the alleged schemes at the time they were discussed.

Navarro said his involvement with the Samuels’ family problems didn’t end when he turned down a murder contract. A month later, Navarro testified, Nicole Samuels-Moroianu called him and said: “ ‘It’s done. My dad, he’s dead. I saw him.’ I said, ‘What are you calling me for? I don’t want to know anything.’ ”


Six months after that, in May, 1989, Navarro finally pointed the finger at Mary Ellen Samuels, tipping police in an anonymous call and giving detectives a poem--a code so they would know him when he called again: “A rose is a rose, but the nose always knows.”

By this time, Navarro testified, he had become Bernstein’s partner in a Sherman Oaks cocaine-dealing business. Bernstein, meanwhile, was one of Nicole’s two fiances.

And so Navarro continued to socialize with Nicole Samuels-Moroianu, even helping Bernstein finance nearly $2,000 worth of jewelry to give her, he testified. When Bernstein, 27, disappeared in June, 1989, Navarro said he got stuck with the payments.


Other tidbits have emerged during testimony:

* Two months before he died, Robert Samuels purchased the book, “How to Save Your Marriage,” hoping to reconcile with the woman he’d had a crush on since childhood.

* Samuels-Moroianu allegedly asked friends to help her find a gun to kill her father on at least two occasions--in May or June, 1988, in the cafeteria of Alemany High School, and later, in August, during an outing at Zuma Beach.

* Samuels-Moroianu, then 18, wore an engagement ring on each hand, switching them to match the fiance she was with at the time.

* During police questioning hours after she reported finding her husband’s body, Samuels reportedly wore a low-cut top and deliberately bent over, displaying ample cleavage and flirting with the officer.

* The stain from Robert Samuels’ blood were on the carpets of his Bahama Street home long after his wife moved back into the house. She allegedly threw a towel over the stain and complained that “the job had been done messy.”

Among the other characters introduced at the trial has been music promoter Dean Groover, who met the recently widowed Samuels at a nightclub and soon moved in with her. The couple spent lavishly, traveling often to Las Vegas and Cancun, Mexico. During one trip, Groover snapped a photograph of Samuels lying on a bed, covered with money.


“We were in love, whatever that is,” Groover testified. But the love affair ended, he said, when police took her away.

Recently, he sold home videos of Samuels cavorting on a Cancun beach to a tabloid television show, which promptly dubbed her “the merry widow.” The show paid him $1,100, Groover testified.


Groover’s promotional efforts didn’t end there. During a break in proceedings, he asked Superior Court Judge Michael Hoff for a court order giving him exclusive rights to the snapshot. Request denied.

Paul Gaul, one of two hit men who admitted doing away with Bernstein, is currently on the stand. He testified that the agreed-upon price was $5,000, and that he drank “30 to 40 beers” a day at the time Bernstein was killed.

Gaul and Darrell Ray Edwards are testifying for the prosecution under deals in which they pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in exchange for their stories.

As the prosecution witnesses have recounted their tales, barrooms and clubs have provided a common backdrop. Celina Krall told how she and her friends used to dress up together at Mary Ellen Samuels’ Reseda condo before hitting the bars. She was 16 at the time, but had no problem getting served because “everybody knew Mary Ellen.”


“This whole case needs a twelve-step program. Several, in fact,” defense attorney Nameth observed recently outside the courtroom.
