
PRETENDER: Perhaps you recall David Miller, ex-prez...

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PRETENDER: Perhaps you recall David Miller, ex-prez of the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce who was sentenced to life last year for killing one of his two wives. . . . Well, he’s back in the public eye, this time in a new book, “Deadly Pretender,” by Karen Kingsbury. “He thought he could have anything he wanted,” she said.

QUAKE TOLL: The impact of the Jan. 17 Northridge earthquake on Woodland Hills-based 20th Century Industries is far greater than anticipated. The company reported a first-quarter loss of $265.1 million, mainly because of quake insurance claims, including 31,000 from homeowners (D2). . . . The company, which first projected quake costs of $160 million, has revised that estimate to $475 million.

TOUGH TEEN: Taft High’s Brahna Pastorini has exchanged her tennis racket for a catcher’s mask. But don’t expect her to exchange attitudes. Blasting a tennis ball or blocking the plate, Pastorini, daughter of a former NFL quarterback, knows only one way--aggressive. . . . After a great tennis career, however, she’s relieved to share the spotlight with her softball teammates (C10).


SURPRISE STOP: We were supposed to be shut out of any shuttle landings this year, but Mother Nature had another idea. Because of poor weather in Florida, the shuttle Endeavour touched down Wednesday at Edwards Air Force Base. . . . The mission was a success, collecting “an unprecedented view of our planet,” one official said (B18).

PARTY TIME? The folks on San Fernando Mission Boulevard have put up with dust and noise as crews fix the quake-damaged Simi Valley Freeway. So, as a reward, they’ve been promised a block party on May 7. . . . But don’t barbecue those chickens quite yet. Said one resident who lives near the Santa Monica Freeway: “Don’t hold your breath. We haven’t gotten anything we were promised” (B4).
