
HERMOSA BEACH : Petition Drive to Recall Mayor, Councilman Fails

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A drive to recall Hermosa Beach Mayor Sam Y. Edgerton and Councilman Robert (Bergie) Benz failed last week.

Benz came under fire for his involvement in last summer’s controversial “Ironman” competition, in which contestants have to run a mile, paddle a mile and then chug a six-pack of beer without vomiting. Both officials have been criticized as being juvenile and argumentative at public meetings.

Benz and Edgerton said the drive’s organizers had no basis for a recall. Edgerton accused them of harassing shoppers in front of a local grocery store to gather signatures.


“They accused me of being everything from a child molester to being responsible for putting Marie Callender’s (restaurant) out of business,” he said.

Recall organizers said they collected 2,400 signatures, but the city required at least 2,900 by Tuesday (April 26) to hold a special election.

“At least the council members realize there are a number of unhappy people out there,” said petition organizer Dick McCurdy. “Maybe they’ll try harder to behave.”
