
RICHARD NIXON: 1913-1994 : VOICES : From Orange County

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“I think since his passing, all of Orange County has been making preparations for the last rally. In the next hour, we can all have a good cry, can break down and express the emotions that are appropriate to this event.”

--Thomas Fuentes, chairman of the O.C. Republican Party


“They were a very warm group of people (at the reception) who have worked together, campaigned against each other, and who all came out of a tremendous respect and affection for Richard Nixon. It is especially sad for me.”

--Newport Beach resident Mary Roosevelt, widow of James Roosevelt


“I’m very grateful to God for the respect that’s been shown (Nixon) this last week. Society does not forgive. People tend to hold on to their hurts.”


--The Rev. Robert Schuller


“There was a feeling of togetherness about (the funeral). It stepped across party lines, and it was a beautiful happening. We need that to get together, all of us.”

--Actor Buddy Ebsen, former Newport Beach resident


“He proved you’re never down and out.”

--U.S. Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove)


“It was dignified, sentimental and memorable. I think it was Kissinger who said that when you look at the quality of a person and whether they lived well, you look at the entirety of the life. That’s how I remember Richard Nixon.”

--Supervisor Harriet M. Wieder


“It was overpowering. I’ve never been in a room with so many world leaders. There were 42 U.S. senators and 105 congressmen. Even Bob Hope was there.”


--Supervisor William G. Steiner


“Later in life, they’re going to think back on this, and how they actually got to see the President. (Cory) says he’s going to be President when he gets older.”

--Denise Thomas, a teacher in Santa Ana, who took children Cory, 6, and Shannon, 5, to see President Clinton’s arrival


“It’s some kind of an honor and a moment in history, and you make a small contribution to that.”


--Brea Police Officer John Poole, one of hundreds of security personnel on duty during the funeral


“I have been awfully sad all week. This is a wonderful outpouring for him. We graduated from Whittier College together in 1934. The neat thing he did when he became President of the United States was to invite all of his classmates to come to the White House for a three-day visit which included tea, lunch at the Blair House and a tour of Air Force One--from the ground of course.”

--Virginia Knott-Bender, whose family founded Knott’s Berry Farm


“Mr. Nixon taught me never to give up. I ran for Congress three times and lost three times. But, I guess, I learned from (Nixon) that defeat isn’t the end.”

--Glenn R. Stine, who drove from Des Moines, Iowa, in a station wagon to view Nixon’s body Wednesday
