
White Supremacists March Peacefully

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<i> Reuters</i>

Seventeen white supremacists staged a peaceful march under the close scrutiny of police in riot gear Saturday, as more than 200 counterdemonstrators marched nearby.

“It worked out better then we could have ever planned,” Police Supt. James Clayborn said. No one was arrested.

The Mississippi-based Nationalist Movement had negotiated with city authorities for permits to march through the streets in South Boston. Group members said they wanted to make up for the city’s canceled St. Patrick’s Day parade, which was scrubbed when sponsors refused to consider participation by a gay group.


Sgt. Robert O’Toole, a police spokesman, said the National Movement members, headed by group leader Richard Barrett, marched on the sidewalks without a permit, which is allowed. Permits would have been needed if they had marched in the street, he said.

About 250 counterdemonstrators also marched on the sidewalks under guard by the helmeted police, authorities said.
