
Work Force Diversity : A Resource Guide

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Compiled By Brent Wyeth; Times Researcher

American Assn. for Affirmative Action

Nonprofit organization promoting the advancement of affirmative action, equal opportunity employment and the abolition of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, ethnic background and other criteria that deprive people of the opportunity to live and work freely.

The association is a nationwide network of professionals that includes, but is not limited to, equal opportunity and affirmative action officers, personnel managers, industrial relations specialists, employment interviewers, trainers, executives and administrators.


* Liaison with governmental agencies involved with equal opportunity compliance in employment and education


* Annual conferences featuring experts in AA-EEO practices, legal issues, human resources and professional development

* Meetings and seminars for education and networking

* Certification program in AA-EEO program management

* Quarterly newsletter and legislative alert bulletins

* Membership directory publication

Telephone: (312) 541-1272

American Institute

for Managing Diversity

Nonprofit research and educational organization that conducts applied research on managing diversity and creates educational products for public use, including corporations, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and government agencies.

Services and products:

* Awareness seminars

* Videotapes

* Books

* Management simulation games

* Research reports

Telephone: (404) 756-1170

American Society for

Training and Development

Representing more than 55,000 corporate-based human resource development professionals, the ASTD is an advocate for change in the workplace and emphasizes the importance of training in developing a sophisticated and competitive work force.


Telephone: (703) 683-8100

Anti-Defamation League,

A World of Difference Institute

The ADL is a human relations organization that assists individuals who believe they have been discriminated against on the basis of race, religion or ethnicity. The ADL’s A World of Difference Institute offers national education and diversity training programs.


* A Workplace of Difference program offers half-day and full-day workshops to assist businesses in understanding and valuing the human diversity that exists among their employees and customers.

* A Campus of Difference helps colleges and universities achieve intellectual productivity and intergroup harmony within a diverse student body.



* Debbie Stogel, (800) 446-2684 or (310) 446-8000

Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center

One of 11 county-funded, nonprofit mediation agencies that handle disputes, including those between employer-employee, merchant-consumer, landlord-tenant, neighbor-neighbor and parties in auto accidents. The mediation process diverts cases that might have gone to the court system and allows parties in disputes more control over settlement terms. The agency serves non-Asians as well those of Asian descent.


* Culturally sensitive dispute mediation

* On-site mediation

* Mediation training to help individuals and organizations resolve conflicts

* Bilingual mediation in Asian languages

Telephone: (213) 747-9943


A national research organization that assists senior managers and human resource professionals to recruit, develop and retain women in management.


* Advisory services to companies on a number of human resource issues, including managing diversity, women’s leadership, succession planning and mentoring

* Speakers bureau

* Information center

* Research reports and monthly Perspective newsletter

* Catalyst awards program

Telephone: Information Center (212) 777-8900

Center for Creative Leadership, San Diego branch

International, nonprofit organization that aims to improve the practice of leadership and management in all sectors of society throughout the world. Activities include research, publication and education.


* Public programs

* Custom-designed programs to meet the needs of individual clients

* Visitor’s Days--half-day overviews provide information on programs and research initiatives. (Free, but advance registration is required; call (910) 545-2800)


* Executive Women Workshop for female managers offers self-assessment, self-development and structured feedback from peers, subordinates and bosses.


* Leader Lab Program deals with cross-cultural issues and issues of diversity and global change

Telephone: Wendy Perrigo, (619) 453-4774

The Conference Board

A business-supported research network dealing with issues related to economics, business, corporate governance, society, work and family, and human resources.


* Publication of research reports, including “Workforce Diversity: Corporate Challenges, Corporate Responses.” (Published index of all reports available)

* Conferences, seminars

* Councils, dialogue groups of business people

* Monthly magazine


* General information: Frank Tortorici, (212) 339-0231

* Publications: (800) US-BOARD

Department of Fair Employment and Housing

People who believe they have been discriminated against in the workplace on the basis of age, race, nationality, religion, gender, pregnancy, marital status, physical or mental disability, medical condition (including AIDS and HIV) and family care leave situations may file a formal complaint with the DFEH.

Telephone: (800) 884-1684

Employ Network

A group of employment professionals representing more than 50 nonprofit agencies that assist employers in finding qualified workers. Also helps individuals dealing with problems of unemployment and underemployment, including people with disabilities, the homeless, older people, immigrants and ex-offenders. Services are free to employers and job-seekers.


* Matching pre-screened applicants with job openings

* Educational workshops on disability awareness and the Americans With Disabilities Act

* Technical assistance on accommodations and adaptations

* Information on tax credits available to employers hiring people with special needs

* Assistance on meeting affirmative action goals

Telephone: (800) 244-1JOB

Equal Employment

Opportunity Commission

Federal agency investigating charges of discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, age, religion or disability.



* Los Angeles district office: (213) 894-1000 or 894-1121 (TDD for hearing-impaired)

* San Diego-area office: (619) 557-7235 or 557-7232 (TDD)

Integrated Resources Institute

Nonprofit consulting firm dedicated to the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of the community. IRI works with companies and other organizations to implement regional and national employment efforts, including recruitment, interviews, on-the-job training, ADA compliance and employer education on issues such as HIV-AIDS and sexual harassment.

Telephone: (714) 851-7723

Interwork Institute

Affiliated with the San Diego State University Foundation, the institute works to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace, schools and the community. Assists employers, employees and job applicants to find person-specific, non-commercially available solutions enabling people with disabilities to overcome obstacles to productivity in the workplace. Focus is on people with severe disabilities.


* Technical assistance

* Research demonstration projects

* Referrals to organizations with job applicants

* Resource library

Telephone: (619) 594-2462

Job Accommodation Network

Sponsored by the President’s Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities, the network fields questions relating to people with disabilities and the Americans With Disabilities Act. Employers, applicants and employees may call for assistance in finding solutions to specific questions about accommodating people with physical or mental disabilities in the workplace.

Telephone: (800) ADA-WORK or (800) 526-7234

Lawyer Referral and Information Service

A private, not-for-profit legal referral service sponsored by the Los Angeles County Bar Assn.


* Regular-fee referral program: (213) 243-1525

* Modest-means and pro bono program: (213) 243-1500

* Committee on minority representation in the legal profession: (213) 627-2727

Telephone: (213) 627-2727 (main number)

L.A. County Commission

on Human Relations

Promotes improved human relations, civic peace and the full acceptance of all people in community life. The commission seeks to bring together business, governmental, religious, professional and other groups in order to resolve human relations problems.


* Assistance to organizations in defining diversity training needs

* Cultural awareness and other training

* Assistance to community institutions with intergroup conflict

* Technical assistance to private and public agencies

* Hearings on human relations issues and community studies

* Publication and dissemination of human relations handbooks and reports, including “Consumer Guide to Diversity Training” booklet (free)


* Resource file on cultural diversity-human relations training designed to assist potential clients

Telephone: (213) 974-7611 or 974-0816 (24-hour line)

Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center

Provides essential human services and sponsors activities for the gay and lesbian community.


* Employment and training services for job-seekers and employers, including postings: (213) 993-7480

* Speakers bureau serving businesses, schools and public libraries: (213) 993-7430

* Free legal advice: (213) 993-7670

Managing Diversity

Monthly newsletter that acts as a clearinghouse for information on work force diversity and provides referrals to consultants. Free samples of the newsletter available upon request.

Telephone: Leo Patterson, (716) 665-3654

Mental Health

Advocacy Services

Provides free legal services to people with mental or developmental disabilities. Advice given on the workplace, housing, government benefits and special education.

Telephone: (213) 484-1628

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund

National, nonprofit legal and educational organization serving the Latino community. Assists those who believe they have been the victims of discriminatory treatment or who believe their civil rights have been denied. Emphasis is on securing rights in employment, education, immigration and voting.


Telephone: (213) 629-2512; ask for the director of employment

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc.

Primarily involved in litigation of class-action suits where discrimination and the denial of civil rights are at issue. Members of the organization will participate in seminars sponsored by other groups on subjects related to diversity and glass-ceiling discrimination in the workplace, as well as more general civil rights issues.

Telephone: (213) 624-2405

National Assn. of Counties

Assists individuals and organizations with questions and concerns relating to municipal and county government issues, including employment status. Provides referrals for people with complaints or grievances.

Telephone: Neil Bomberg, (202) 942-4205

National Conference

of Christians and Jews

A non-sectarian, nonprofit human relations organization providing training to improve communication and cooperation in a culturally diverse work force.


* Interracial dialogue series for training employer and employee groups

* Workshops for managers and employees in areas such as race, culture and communication

Telephone: Lucky Altman or James Hilvert, (213) 250-8787

National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs

Works to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. The Business and Professional Women’s Foundation, the BPW’s educational arm, researches issues relating to women in the workplace and provides financial assistance for women to further their educations.


* Scholarship, loan and research fellowship programs

* Professional development training

* Comprehensive library on women’s issues

* National Business Woman, a quarterly magazine

Telephone: (202) 293-1100

NTL Institute

Private, nonprofit educational institution offering workshops and a certificate program in diversity management for people seeking diversity training and management skills.

Workshops are held throughout the United States and Canada. On-site workshops may also be arranged.



* Organizational Development Track, for newcomers to the organizational development field

* Training the Trainer Track, for trainers in management training

Telephone: (800) 777-5227; (703) 548-1500

Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education

Enforces civil rights statutes with regard to educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance; provides technical assistance to schools and school systems on how to administer programs in compliance with civil rights legislation; assists students, teachers, administrators and others who believe they may have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, or who believe they have been denied their civil rights.


* Investigates complaints

* Conducts compliance reviews involving various educational institutions

* Negotiates settlements and mediates disputes involving educational institutions that receive federal assistance

Telephone: Regional office in San Francisco: (415) 556-7000

Pacific Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center

Federally funded program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education builds partnerships between the disability and business communities and promotes the full participation of people with disabilities in society through education and technical assistance.


* Information and assistance for implementing the Americans With Disabilities Act

* Accommodation counseling

* Participates in workshops and regional conferences

* Technical assistance library

* Newsletters

Telephone: (800) 949-4232

Society for Human Resource Management

International organization of human resource professionals and student members dedicated to the advancement of the human resource profession. The society’s issues-management program is chartered to identify, analyze and anticipate emerging socioeconomic issues and their implications for the workplace.


* Education and information services

* Conferences and seminars

* Government and media representation

* Publications

* Human resource library and data bases

* Networking service

Telephone: (703) 548-3440

Southern California

Indian Center

Nonprofit organization serving the Native American community of Los Angeles and Orange counties. As a Job Training Partnership Act agency, provides employment assistance and vocational training to Native Americans, native Alaskans and native Hawaiians who are unemployed, underemployed and economically disadvantaged.


* Biannual job fairs

* Resume and job application preparation

* Job search techniques

* Job listings and referrals

* Classroom vocational training

* On-the-job training

* Educational workshops for parents

Locations: Garden Grove, Carson, Commerce, Los Angeles and Van Nuys; satellite locations in Lancaster, El Monte and San Juan Capistrano.



* Los Angeles County: (213) 387-5772

* Orange County: (714) 530-0221

Southern California Tradeswomen Network

Support group for women in the trades or for women thinking about entering the trades. Monthly meetings.

Telephone: Gina Frierman-Hunt: (818) 796-6870

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Promotes the struggle against racism, economic exploitation and social inequality.


* Martin Luther King Dispute Resolution Center works to resolve civil disputes between South-Central residents through mediation and conciliation

* Project Mediation, a nonviolent conflict-resolution training program for inner-city youth

Telephone: (213) 295-8582

United Way

Kellogg Training Center

Offers diversity training to nonprofit organizations. Trainers help agencies recruit board directors, employees and volunteers who reflect the communities they serve.

Telephone: Richard Diaz: (213) 736-1304

Western Law Center for Disability Rights

Nonprofit legal organization providing free legal services and representation to people with emotional, physical or mental disabilities.


* Conferences on disability rights for teachers, social workers and others

* Seminars for lawyers on disability law

* Furnishes speakers to general audiences

Telephone: (213) 736-1031

Women at Work

Nonprofit organization focusing on career concerns of women, but men are welcome.


* Southern California Tradeswomen Network, a support group for women in the trades or thinking about entering the trades; contact Gina Frierman-Hunt


* Information dissemination and counseling on non-traditional job opportunities for women (trade and tech)

* Information on trade apprenticeships

* Drop-in resource room featuring a library and job listings

* Counseling, testing and resume writing

* Specially funded programs for single parents, displaced homemakers and Latina professionals with limited English

* Evening workshops on career planning, resume writing, interview techniques, networking and job hunting for people 50 and older.

Telephone: (818) 796-6870
