
City to Pay More for Police Service

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The cost of policing has gone up in the city.

The City Council has unanimously approved a $29,552 increase for next fiscal year in its contract with the Sheriff’s Department. The current year’s bill from the county was $491,894; in the budget year that starts July 1, the cost goes up to $521,446.

The price hike does not give added service to the city, City Manager Fred W. Maley told the council Tuesday night.

But Sheriff’s Capt. Bill Miller said the increase to Villa Park does provide for an improved police communications system. Miller acknowledged, however, that much of the increased cost results from rising personnel expenses. “We’ve experienced some increases in costs that are significant . . . particularly in the areas of retirement and medical benefits,” he said.


Miller also said that Villa Park got off cheap for the 1993-94 fiscal year. “You were undercharged last (fiscal) year,” Miller told the council.

Several council members questioned Miller about specifics of the increased costs, but none criticized the proposal. Mayor Barry L. Denes concluded the council’s discussion by saying Villa Park gets a bargain in its contract with the Sheriff’s Department.

“Look at the service we get,” Denes said. “It’s just terrific.”
