
NO WORK NO PAY: Most cities offering...

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NO WORK NO PAY: Most cities offering rewards to people who turn in graffiti taggers are finding no shortage of tattlers. But Garden Grove officials say people are getting big bucks for little effort. So they’ve come up with a new system. . . . You get paid along a sliding scale: $500 if you actually testify in court against a tagger and he is convicted, $400 if they nail him but don’t need your testimony. If you report an incident and only help identify the culprit, it’s $50 to $100, depending on the graffiti damage.

CELEBRITY-ITIS: Barbra Streisand may be the biggest celebrity in our midst, but others are en route. Priscilla Presley is at the Crazy Horse in Santa Ana today and former actor John Gavin will be at the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Monday night. Both are for serious causes. Presley’s at an afternoon benefit for babies with disabilities. Gavin, former U.S. ambassador to Mexico, is among speakers at a D-day political forum.

ANCIENT ART: Buddhist culture has much interest here. Nearly half the local Vietnamese Americans are Buddhists, as well as many other Asian Americans. The Bowers Museum is excited about its new 37-piece exhibit that opens today, “Buddhist Images in Gilt Metal.” The pieces, on loan from the Chang Foundation in Taipei, date back to the 14th Century. . . . “It’s a rare look at art that’s this old,” says chief curator Armand Labbe. The exhibit will run through Sept. 18.


BUTTER UP: It’s not often that you get a chance to churn your own butter in Orange County. But that’s among the activities today at the annual Heritage Day festival to celebrate western history at the Oak Canyon Nature Center in Anaheim Hills. . . . Spokeswoman Margaret Henke says, “The kids get a chance to experience the West and do the things that settlers used to do.” Such as: cross-cut sawing, weaving, calligraphy, and storytelling. Also a little pony-riding.
