
SAN GABRIEL VALLEY : Judge Voids 1992 Election Creating School District

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In a severe blow to the city of San Gabriel’s attempts to move ahead with a unified school district, a Superior Court judge has ruled that a 1992 election that created the district was unconstitutional because it did not include voters from Alhambra whose children would be affected.

The decision, released this week by Judge Diane Wayne, found that the state Board of Education’s decision to limit voting to residents of the 3,218-student San Gabriel Elementary School District violated the constitutional rights of the residents of the Alhambra school district.

Wayne’s order, which declares the election null and void, restores the authority of the Alhambra school district to enroll high school students from San Gabriel. Alhambra officials were elated with the decision.


“The court ruling vindicates us; it says, ‘Yeah, you were right,’ ” said Heber Meeks, superintendent of the 21,000-student district.

Meeks said parents with incoming ninth-graders should enroll their children at San Gabriel High School in the Alhambra district just as they always have.

San Gabriel has existed as a unified school district for two years. It has hired teachers, modernized buildings and prepared to enroll high school students this fall at temporary facilities.


The superintendent of the San Gabriel district was not available Tuesday for comment. Other officials declined to comment. School board officials could not be reached.
