
Still Hard on Lard

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Regarding “Everything but the Squeal,” the author deserves the prize for the coldest cook I never want to know. She had a little pet pig, taught him some tricks, seemingly had some feeling for the little guy and then tells us how good he tasted! What compassion! I hope she doesn’t have a dog!


Palos Verdes Estates

Thank you so much for refreshing my memory on why I no longer subscribe to The Times. The April 28 issue was bizarre to the point of gross! Lard, of all things, is being touted as a preferred ingredient in recipes? There is no way you could convince me that lard is great. Perhaps you have some connection to those who make pacemakers and bypass instruments!



I wholeheartedly agree that lard has gotten a bad rap. Everyone feels so virtuous for cutting lard out of their diets, yet they continue with abandon to eat foods made with butter. Hypocrisy abounds. I am a waitress in a local restaurant and see over and over again holier-than-thou customers who come in and order their plain vegetable and fish entrees with no sauce, no seasoning--and no flavor--whatsoever, then turn around and order the most fatty things for dessert!



Studio City
