
Mission Erroneous

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I have just read the most reprehensible statement about a writer (in this case writers) I have ever seen printed in a major newspaper. Judy Brennan’s Film Clip on the new “Mission Impossible” (“Your Mission, Mr. De Palma . . . ,” June 5) just put away two excellent screenwriters, Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz (yes, she has a last name of her own).

Bad enough that Brennan named names in the first place. But after naming the writers’ credits--with some of the best dialogue ever on screen--Brennan proceeded to repeat the ugly details given by “the sources,” which was entirely unnecessary.

When a producer doesn’t have anyone else to blame for a project going wrong, blame the writers--always an easy target. When the project is going great, credit the producer or director.


Either “the sources” are out to trash the Huycks’ reputation or The Times is. Either way, this piece points out just how impossible a writer’s mission is.

If you and “the sources” want to expose bad dialogue, they should take a look at some of the big summer moneymakers.


Los Angeles


Allow me to add my voice to those who must be overwhelming you with the fact that the photo accompanying your Film Clip was not that of the original “Mission Impossible” team.


Steven Hill played the team leader for the program’s first season. He can now be seen in “Law & Order.”


Studio City
