
‘One Nation’ Unveils Gay Anger, Not Hate

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Robert Koehler’s TV review of the documentary “One Nation Under God” accuses the filmmakers (and myself) of “tribal-like loathings” and “accusatory stances” for our criticism of reparative therapy for gays and lesbians (“Gays, Lesbians and Hate,” June 14). He says the film displays hate. It’s not hate, Mr. Koehler. It’s anger. And the anger is justified.

As a gay man who secretly struggled for years to come to terms with my sexuality, I am angry that too many gay and lesbian kids still grow up hating themselves (and often killing themselves) because their culture, their churches (and groups like Exodus) tell them they’re sick, sinful and worthy of eternal punishment.

As a Christian, I am angry that the Bible (the revelation of God’s love for all people) is still being used to justify the persecution of gays and lesbians, in the same way that it has been used to justify the ongoing persecution of Jews, blacks, women and others.


As a father who has tried to teach my child the harm that can be done by stereotyping, I am angered by “reparative therapists” who seem to be saying that there is only one way to be “truly feminine” or “truly masculine.”

My comment about “Stepford wives” was a criticism of this sexist attitude, not a dismissal of the people who apply makeup to help “ex-lesbians” look pretty. I feel sorry for these people. They seem both comic and tragic, but I do not hate them.

Imagine losing your friends and lovers to AIDS while the church and the government stall. Imagine getting fired from your job because you are gay. Imagine experiencing the rejection of your family. Imagine spending years praying and hoping, believing that God must not love you. Or just listen to the hatred that pours from America’s pulpits every Sunday morning.


Perhaps then you will understand the intensity of the anger we express. Perhaps then you will not dismiss us as hatemongers. Perhaps then real dialogue can start.


Huntington Beach

“One Nation Under God” interview subject Bussee founded ex-gay Christian group Exodus.
