
More on Ticketmaster

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Regarding the dispute between Ticketmaster and Pearl Jam (“Pearl Jam vs. Ticketmaster: Choosing Sides,” June 8):

Recently a friend and I decided to splurge on opera tickets at $95 apiece. I went to the Ticketmaster outlet at my local Tower Records store, only to find that, while they could give me my tickets on the spot, they took cash only--no credit cards. Not having $200 on me, I went home and called the Ticketmaster phone number. No problem with credit cards there--but, unfortunately, they couldn’t tell me where I’d be sitting!

In frustration, I called the public relations office of the Music Center to ask why the outlets didn’t take credit cards, or why they couldn’t tell me over the phone where I’d be sitting. The woman I spoke to was sympathetic but could offer nothing beyond the lame explanation that to choose a seat over the phone would take too long.


My options were to get tickets directly at the box office or to go to the Ticketmaster outlet at the nearest Robinsons-May store (for some reason, they’ll accept that store’s credit cards).

If the Ticketmaster outlets at Robinsons-May can accept credit cards, why can’t the Tower outlets do it? And why can’t they tell you over the phone where you’ll be sitting?

If they had a little more competition, perhaps Ticketmaster wouldn’t be so arrogant in their treatment of consumers. I fully support Pearl Jam in their suit.



Sherman Oaks
