
Expansion of Medical Center

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This is to express our appreciation for the excellent cover article by Mary Anne Perez on the replacement project for the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center (“Growing Pains,” June 12).

The article accurately portrayed the dilemma faced by those of us responsible for inpatient and outpatient care for thousands of residents in the areas surrounding the medical center, and beyond.

Given the federal mandate to construct a new hospital or face closure, we must proceed with the project to replace our antiquated facilities. This will permit us to continue meeting the health needs of our patients for many years to come and continue our lengthy traditions of patient care, teaching and research.


While we deeply regret that some of our friends and neighbors to the east must be displaced, we are working diligently to ensure that all of the homeowners, tenants and businesses are compensated fairly and relocated appropriately.

Your readers are invited to direct any questions regarding the project to my office, or call project staff at (213) 226-6873.


Martinez is executive director of the Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center.
