
Bike Racks, Lockers Due at Camarillo Metrolink Station

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Dear Street Smart:

Ever since the Metrolink station opened in Camarillo, I’ve been thinking about taking the train to Los Angeles.

But when I stopped by the station, I noticed that there are no bike racks.

I’m an avid bike rider and would like to be able to ride my bike to the station.

Are there any plans to install bike racks?

Eric Lewis, Camarillo

Dear Reader:

Yes! Not just bike racks, but bike lockers are slated for installation this fall at the Camarillo Metrolink station, says Chris Stephens, a planner for the Ventura County Transportation Commission.

“We’ve had this in the works for a while,” Stephens said. “The lockers are on the way.”


Dear Street Smart:

There is an aggravating timing problem with the lights on Moorpark Avenue in Moorpark.

The lights at Park Lane often go red at just the moment that will keep motorists from reaching the green at Moorpark Avenue.


Keeping vehicles waiting is not only aggravating, it also adds to air pollution.

The lights can be timed better.

If whoever is responsible can’t do a better job, I volunteer to bring my strong mathematical background to the problem.

Michael Zarky, Moorpark

Dear Reader:

The lights can indeed be timed better, because, in fact, they are not timed at all, Moorpark Public Works Director Ken Gilbert says.

“None of the lights on Moorpark Avenue are interconnected,” Gilbert said. “We don’t have the equipment to allow them to talk to each other.”


The city has applied--and been rejected--for four state grants that would have paid the estimated $200,000 cost of synchronizing the six signals on Moorpark Avenue.

“It just doesn’t seem to be a priority compared to some of the other projects that are going for the funding,” Gilbert said.

Gilbert isn’t giving up. He’s just applied for two more grants.

Check future Street Smart columns for updates on the status of the effort to synchronize.


Dear Street Smart:

Ever since the link between the Moorpark and Simi Valley freeways was completed, I’ve encountered a serious merging problem.


The trouble starts as you try to enter the eastbound Simi Valley Freeway at the Collins Avenue overpass in Moorpark.

None of the drivers will even attempt to let you in.

It’s a nerve-racking experience!

There should be some warning on the freeway before this ramp to alert drivers of oncoming and merging traffic.

Is this possible?

Robert Silvertrust, Moorpark

Dear Reader:

The state Department of Transportation has received a copy of your letter and is examining the roadway to figure out how to improve the traffic flow, Senior Traffic Engineer Luu Nguyen says.

“It’s a new road, so problems will come up,” Nguyen said. “We will do whatever we can to work this out.”

Stay tuned.


The intersection of Colton and Kimball roads in Ventura will be closed today through Sept. 1 for a repaving project.

The alley that runs between Crocker Avenue and Kimball will also be closed.

Traffic on Colton will be detoured to Crocker, then north to Telegraph Road and west to Kimball.


Traffic on Kimball will be detoured to Telegraph, then east to Crocker and south to Colton.
