
ROYAL PAIN: There now is more controversy...

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ROYAL PAIN: There now is more controversy about England’s most famous couple. In a TV documentary airing tonight, Prince Charles admits that he cheated on Princess Di (A4). . . . The confession got a mixed reaction from Eileen Selby, founder of the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood, a social group for expatriate Brits. “He’s a very nice man, so I am surprised,” she said. “But so much of it goes on, it’s not that out of place.”

BEAUTIFUL BURBANK: This is a town that was the butt of many Johnny Carson jokes, but it’s no laughing matter how much the entertainment industry has meant to Burbank. In 1992, for example, the business spent more than $1.5 billion, yes billion , on goods and services here (B14). . . . But there’s more to Burbank than just show business. “We’re lucky in that we’re not a one-industry town,” a city official said.

INMATES: Life at the Peter J. Pitchess Honor Rancho in Castaic is no picnic, especially for inmates in Module 913. That’s where the county houses transvestites. But lucky for them, they have David Glascock (above) on their side. A gay activist, Glascock listens to their complaints and their cries, working hard to make sure they get a fair deal (E1).


LONE VOICE: The buzz among basketball experts is that today’s NBA draft is one of the weakest in recent years. But one pretty good judge of talent isn’t so sure. He’s Encino’s John Wooden, 83, the former UCLA coach who has kept a close watch on the college game. . . . “The players are getting better all the time,” Wooden said, “and so each year’s draft is a little better.”

HIGHER GROUNDS: When crop prices go up, consumer prices usually follow, which means bad news for coffee lovers. A damaging frost in Brazil has raised coffee bean prices (D2). . . . It’s still too early, however, to determine the full impact on Valley establishments. “We’ll wait it out to see what happens,” said Scott Frein, of Coffee N’ Things in Canoga Park, “but we might have to raise prices.”
