
German Troops

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* German troops in Bosnia? Is the author of your editorial intentionally disregarding the lessons of history learned in a hard way when he calls (“Let Bosnia Be the Starting Place,” July 13) for German troops? Does he know about German aspirations to control the Balkans--the shortcut between Central Europe and Near East--better known as their Drang Nach Osten policy, evident for at least a century?

These plans failed to materialize in World War I when German (and Austro-Hungarian) aggression against Serbia was characterized as “imperialism.” Hitler’s dreams, after occupying and dismembering Yugoslavia in the wake of World War II, were short-lived as well. Then they were labeled as “fascism” and “Nazism.”

Now, 50 years later, under the “New World Order” doctrine, Germany is eagerly pushed to send troops on the soil of previous defeats--in former Yugoslavia, for dismemberment of which it bears foremost and major responsibility.

So, the “final solution” for the Serbian nation is unveiled by your editorial--with the first step to defeat and destroy Bosnian Serbs (preferably the Serbs in Serbia proper as well). While the U.S. will provide air support, ground troops will be contributed by the coalition of European NATO allies (now with its key player Germany) and by invigorated and armed (the arms embargo will be overridden unilaterally, if needed) Bosnian Muslims, with substantial help of mercenaries from Islamic states all over the world. So much for impartiality of the United States and the United Nations regarding the civil war in former Yugoslavia!



Researcher for the Serbian-American

Community Relations Coalition, Los Angeles
