
RESEDA : Meeting Will Explore Redevelopment Ideas

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The Reseda Community and Business Alliance will meet tonight to discuss several redevelopment ideas, many of them aimed at giving the community an economic shot in the earthquake-bruised arm.

“We’re going to address several of the immediately doable things in the community,” said Rayna Gabin, the Reseda deputy for City Councilwoman Laura Chick.

Those “doables” include forming a merchants’ association and a parking lot committee, and addressing the ongoing issue of earthquake recovery.


The Reseda economy was suffering even before the Northridge temblor rattled the community and closed dozens of businesses, said Gabin. “After the earthquake. . .they’ve been hanging on by the skin of their teeth.”

A member of the Community Redevelopment Agency will be on hand to discuss how to garner federal dollars for recovery efforts, and Chick will present opening remarks, Gabin said.

The group will also discuss the possibility that the Los Angeles Police Department will locate a substation in the community. The department’s West Valley division is negotiating on a possible site for such a station, said LAPD Sgt. Walt Kainz.


The public is encouraged to attend the meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Reseda Country Club, 18415 Sherman Way.
