
Congressional Whitewater Hearings

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* So White House Counsel Lloyd N. Cutler tells Congress and the American public that “at least a dozen White House aides had more than 20 questionable contacts with federal regulators” about the Whitewater affair but they violated no ethical standards (July 27)! One wonders what standards, set by whom, Cutler is talking about. As Cutler is an attorney, a certain healthy skepticism about his standards is called for.


Studio City

* This stark contrast between the House “Whitewash” hearings and the Senate Whitewater hearings is yet another wonderful illustration of the corruption that has resulted from 40 years of one-party rule. The vindictive, authoritarian, dictatorial manner of Rep. Henry Gonzalez and the wildly sanctimonious, partisan screechings of several of the Democrat members of the committee had the unintended consequence of showing the American people just how out of touch the House majority is. The House committee “hearings” could be used with great effect in a campaign ad for term limits.

On the other hand, the Senate committee chairman (Rep. Donald Riegle Jr.) and members (with very few exceptions) conducted themselves with minimal partisanship as if they really were searching for the truth rather than trying to hide it. Interestingly enough, several of the members who one would have expected to pimp for the Administration by lobbing “softball” questions were strangely silent except for their opening statements. Are they covering their bets, preparing for a Republican majority in the next Senate?



Los Angeles

* Regarding to Whitewater and Watergate:

Something no one seems to be aware of, or not talking about, is that those who are trying the hardest to make Whitewater into another Watergate cannot conceive of anyone not acting in an illegal manner when in a position of power. That the President’s staff was acting in a perfectly innocent manner is something they just cannot give any credence to, even in the face of overpowering evidence and an independent investigation.

What truly bothers me is whether this faith in the criminal intent of persons in the White House is endemic to the “inside the Beltway” persons or is it endemic to conservative/Republican persons?



* Re “Bentsen Sought Documents in Ongoing Ethics Probe,” July 31:

Considering the current concern over possible unethical conduct by the Administration and the Treasury Department, one would think Lloyd Bentsen would bend over backward to avoid any appearance of impropriety.


Instead, last month he forwarded to the White House copies of interviews conducted during an ongoing ethics review of the Clinton Administration’s handling of the Whitewater affair!

Such arrogance is possible only because Democrat Bentsen knows he is protected by the Democratic Party’s control over the committees in both houses of Congress as well as the executive branch. America is now witnessing the evils of one-party rule.


Los Angeles
