
Place of Solace

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I must respond to Albert Cohen’s remark (“Father and Son Developers Are Stuck in the Mire of Wetlands Issue,” Aug. 1) concerning the land on Reino Road in Newbury Park. He says “ . . . It is a few shrubs. Nothing lives on the land. Right now it is nothing more than a dump.” He is mistaken.

Adults walk the paths of the terrain as it provides a place of quiet, a place where the soul can reflect. Children play there, exploring old creek beds, using their imaginations, enjoying the freedom of the space. After viewing the labyrinth of nearby neighborhoods, I find the land to be serene, not an eyesore.

Our community can do with less pavement, ugly brown buildings and beige strip malls. And just because a stretch of land is not maintained by a crew of landscapers, manicured to the nines, it does not warrant the insult of being compared to a dump.


There is solace in open spaces.


Thousand Oaks
