
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : DODGERS : Club Apologizes for Bomb Scare

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Manager Tom Lasorda and pitcher Rudy Seanez were surprised when told that a toy paperweight, which happens to resemble a bomb, caused a scare at Dodger Stadium on Tuesday morning.

When a stadium security guard discovered the device in Lasorda’s empty office, a bomb squad was sent to the stadium.

“It was just a toy with a clock on it,” Lasorda said before Tuesday night’s loss at Cincinnati. “Somebody put it in my office last week, and I put it under my desk and forgot about it. It was a toy, more like a paperweight, but it looks like a bomb.”


Seanez said he had bought the paperweight and put it in his locker at Dodger Stadium, but that it had disappeared.

“I was going to take it home and keep it in my house,” Seanez said. “It’s just a digital clock, with some wires leading to seven sticks that look like dynamite. I don’t know if anyone put any batteries in it after it was taken from my locker. With batteries, when someone lifts it, it sets off a couple of blinking lights.”

Tommy Hawkins, vice president of communications, said in a statement:

“The Dodgers apologize for any inconvenience and problems that the Tuesday morning incident may have caused. We understand the seriousness of the incident and have concluded after further investigation that the original intent was that of a clubhouse prank. The Dodgers do not condone such actions and have conveyed the message to all those concerned.”



For the record: A quote attributed to a reporter in Tuesday’s report on Monday’s game was reported incorrectly in some editions of The Times. In response to Todd Worrell’s telling reporters, “You guys don’t know . . . about the game and how it’s played,” the reporter replied, “Obviously, you don’t know anything about journalism.”
