
Topics / BRIEFLY : Scholarships: 3 Students Win $1,000

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Three Westside students have received $1,000 scholarships for essays written in response to the question: “Can we all get along as a multicultural society?”

In addition to addressing race relations, high school seniors taking part in the American Honda/Mario Machado Scholarship contest were asked how they would cover stories relating to race relations if they were newspaper editors or television producers.

The Westside winners were Hao Nguyen, 18, of the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies in Culver City, and Martha Lee Porter, 17, and Tiffanie Thompson, 18, both of Alexander Hamilton High School in West Los Angeles.


Nguyen plans to attend UCLA, Porter will attend Southern California College in Costa Mesa and Thompson will attend USC. All three students hope to study communications.

The scholarship, sponsored by American Honda Motors and named in honor of KABC radio host Mario Machado, was founded three years ago with the purpose of helping financially disadvantaged and ethnically diverse high school seniors who are interested in a career in communications.

Essays were judged by Los Angeles news anchors and reporters.

There were 10 winners in all.
