
Uplifting Experience : Now That Wonderbra Is in Town, Women Have Something to Show for Their Time

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But for $26, it’s the way to a curvier you if you’ve hooked into all the hype regarding the Wonderbra, as troops of women have during its West Coast debut last weekend.

“How many of you have worn a pushup bra before?” yelled out the event host before the unveiling of the Wonderbra rack at Robinsons-May in South Coast Plaza last Thursday. Store employees wore T-shirts that asked “Who cares if it’s a bad hair day.” As if having cleavage was supposed to make up for the frizzies.

There were young customers, old ones, already buxom ones and others striving to be. In all, about 30 women lined up before noon next to the rack, which stood shrouded in yellow and black satin.


Ten, nine, eight . . .. Within a few seconds, the unveiling took place. Immediately, two women snapped at each other. “That’s not fair,” barked the first woman in line to another who had walked up moments before. Having waited more than 30 minutes in line, she believed she was entitled to the first take.

There were men. Husbands, boyfriends, salesmen all stood around looking a little stunned at the desperate frenzy. One man photographed his wife near the magical product. When she pointed to the panties, he asked, “Do they push up your buns?” No, but for $10 they’ll complete the set.

“If I hadn’t come and my wife told me what happened today, I wouldn’t have comprehended it,” said Greg Vetrone of Newport Beach.


More women arrived, and the queue to the dressing room stretched past the register, past the other pushup bra racks (those lonely racks) almost to the Wonderbra rack itself. Someone screamed from within the dressing area. Those in line smiled knowingly, anxious to get in there and experience it for themselves.

In 25 minutes, only one black bra was left. The satins blew out before the lace. Smaller sizes in white became more difficult to find. Red was fast becoming an option to the more practical black or white.

Vetrone waited patiently for his wife. “It’s something my wife is excited about getting. It’s supposed to be a present for me; it’s our fifth anniversary today. I guess you could notice a difference,” he says, as we look at the model walking the stage in a cocktail dress, first without, then with the Wonderbra underneath.


His wife, Denise Vetrone, walked up. “It’s great, honey.”

He turned and quietly said: “Personally, I don’t really care about it. But as long as she’s happy.”
