
Tracy Grimes

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The Aug. 6 article regarding Tracy Grimes, the disabled woman who was forced to leave the couple that cared for her to go to a board-and-care home, moved me almost to tears. That officials from the Department of Social Services would take a woman from those who love her and place her where her only entertainment is television is an outrage. How can a government treat kind, loving people like this and expect its citizens to retain any sense of trust in it?

Grimes would like to live with those who love her. She would like a room of her own. She would like to be near the children of the neighborhood. If Grimes does become homeless on Sept. 7, it will be a travesty of everything the people of this nation believe in. I pray that she and the ACLU win their case and end this great injustice.



During my years as a bureau chief in our state’s Medi-Cal program, my staff and I learned the need for humanity and common sense--and using administrative exceptions to provide needed care. In this case, rigid adherence to bureaucratic rules triumphed over the care needed for Grimes.



Santa Barbara

Who is the bureaucratic idiot who ordered Grimes removed from a home where she was well cared for, happy and loved? Grimes should sue the state right up to Gov. Wilson for this outrage. Whether the (Gabrielle and Frederick) Hanna home is licensed by the Department of Social Services or not, Grimes should have the right to live where she chooses. Home isn’t where you can afford to live or where the state decides you should live. Home is where the heart is. Good luck, Tracy.


