
Gore Undergoes Surgery for Torn Achilles’ Tendon

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<i> From Reuters</i>

Vice President Al Gore underwent surgery Saturday night to repair an Achilles’ tendon he injured playing basketball with former colleagues in the House of Representatives, a spokeswoman said.

Gore, 46, tore his left tendon, which runs along the back of the lower leg, during a game in the House gymnasium.

After being examined by a doctor at his home at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Gore was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland, where doctors determined his injury would require surgery, spokeswoman Heidi Kukis said.


The vice president was expected to remain in the hospital overnight for observation. It was not immediately known if he would require a cast.

Kukis said Gore was still planning to go on a trip to the Middle East that is scheduled to begin Sept. 3.

Gore, a former member of the House and U.S. Senate, has remained active in sports.

“He plays basketball a lot with his friends,” Kukis said. She said that after the injury, Gore’s military aide “said he was doing fine but that it is painful.”


She said Gore had planned to be out of Washington by now with his wife, Tipper, and their children for their summer vacation but decided to remain in town to help press for passage of President Clinton’s initiatives on crime and health care reform.
