
Mexican Official on Prop. 187

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“Mexican Official Denounces Ballot Measure” (Aug. 15) should send a cold chill throughout California that is unwelcome, even in this summer’s heat.

Deputy Foreign Minister Andres Rozental’s bombastic remarks about Proposition 187 (the Save Our State initiative) missed their mark, and instead scored a direct hit on Mexican-American relations. Often at cross purposes in the past, the United States and Mexico seemed to take a different turning with NAFTA. Apparently, that turning is leading to a dead end.

How can we join in partnership with another government that does not respect the sovereignty of our own? There is nothing more fundamentally American than the ability to elect our own government. When any other country attempts to direct or to control the outcome of an American election, it threatens the essence of our nation.


In California, we can decide for ourselves how to solve our own problems. All of us working together will find the best solution.


Co-Chairman, Proposition 187

Santa Ana

* As a Californian, I am outraged that the ambassador is allowed to threaten us with “potentially negative effects” in commerce, if we will not provide, free of charge, housing, education and medical care for his citizens. The Mexican government fails to provide these services to its citizens, but I am expected to provide them to any Mexican citizen who can sneak across the border.

It is a terrible thing to deny a child an education, or a sick person medical care. However, the criticism must be aimed at the Mexican government; it is its responsibility to do these things.


Californians care for their people and educate their children. It is a terrible shame that the people of Mexico do not do the same. But, Mr. Ambassador, stop asking me to do for your citizens what you will not do for them.


Long Beach

* I was appalled by the outrageous statements made by Harold Ezell, co-author of Proposition 187 in “Immigrant Measure Foes Open Drive” (Aug. 19). I was most appalled, however, by his suggestion to let the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund open a clinic to provide immunizations for the children of California!

Not only does the statement reveal the incredibly racist motivation of the authors of the proposition, it also epitomizes the mentality that asks why taxpayers should support services which do not directly benefit them. The answer is one that civilized societies throughout history have given--no man or woman is an island. The shortsighted xenophobes who authored Proposition 187 seem to have forgotten that the health and education of each person in our society affect us all, in both the long and the short term.


I only hope and pray that we, the people of California, will not allow our legitimate concerns about illegal immigration to be transformed into a yes vote for this mean-spirited proposition that will harm us all.


