
NOT SO NAKED CITY: With many cities...

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NOT SO NAKED CITY: With many cities facing legal challenges to their laws regarding nudity, Seal Beach isn’t taking any chances with loopholes or vague language. This week it passed a 27-page ordinance on sex--with language explicit enough to merit its own X-rating--that covers almost any situation. . . . Example: Nudity at its parks or beach is out, and so are T-shirts or costumes that display nudity. Also: It’s OK to breast-feed at the beach, but only if the infant is under 2 years of age.

EARLY LESSONS: As a Fullerton teen-ager, the famed singer-songwriter Jackson Browne made pocket money by giving guitar lessons. His students were among the first to learn the songs Browne wrote as a 15-year-old beginner. . . . Browne, who plays Saturday at Irvine Meadows (OC Live!), recalls that his roster of students dwindled when he upped his rates in a scramble to raise money for a new guitar. It seems a burglar had made off with his favorite instrument.

KICKED INTO CLASS: At Orange County country music station KIK-FM (94.3), they call their fans KIK-ers. For Jacqueline Frank of Fountain Valley, being a KIK-er has paid off. She recently won KIK’s $7,800 scholarship to attend the Academy of Radio Broadcasting in Huntington Beach. . . . Frank, whose dream is to be a deejay, says of her new classes: “I’m such a music enthusiast, but that excitement alone won’t make you the world’s greatest deejay.”

FIGHTING WITH ZIP: Tiny Villa Park has for years been seeking its own postal ZIP code, instead of sharing one with part of its big neighbor, the city of Orange. It’s not just for status, Villa Park officials say, noting that ZIP code areas are often used for such things as insurance rates. . . . Now, says Mayor Barry L. Denes, little Villa Park has a big ally--California’s U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer. He says Boxer recently roasted postal officials with a letter on the city’s behalf. Says the mayor: “She used language I enjoyed reading.”
