
BRANDO TALKS: The book everyone in Hollywood...

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BRANDO TALKS: The book everyone in Hollywood has been waiting for--Marlon Brando’s autobiography--will finally hit the shelves next week. Word is he’s pretty blunt. . . . Brando is a familiar figure in the Valley, especially at Solley’s in Sherman Oaks. “In one week, I may see him two or three times,” says owner Sol Zide, “and then I might not see him for four months.”

MAD ABOUT METER: Toni Slee of Woodland Hills was mad as, well, you know what, and wasn’t going to take it any more. The source of her ire: a cranky meter at the top of the Winnetka on-ramp to the southbound 101 (B2). . . . She filed complaints and says, “I wish Arnold Schwarzenegger could detonate all of these meters.”

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Nov. 25, 1994 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday November 25, 1994 Home Edition Business Part D Page 2 Column 1 Financial Desk 4 inches; 116 words Type of Material: Correction
Interactive America--In articles Sept. 3 and Oct. 8, The Times misstated the nature of an investigation into Interactive America Corp. and its participation in a federal auction of communications frequencies. The Federal Communications Commission is investigating the company’s conduct in connection with the auction, which could lead to FCC sanctions, including fines. If allegations of criminal wrongdoing arise, the FCC would refer them to the Department of Justice.
The Oct. 8 article referred to Interactive America as having lost its interactive rights because it did not submit a down payment on time. In fact, Interactive America submitted a request for a waiver of the requirement for a timely initial down payment, which the FCC denied. Interactive America could petition for reconsideration of the FCC order.

HOLIDAY RUSH: Believe it or not, Rosh Hashanah is here already. It’s time for a new outfit, gefilte fish, synagogue tickets--the works. The Jewish new year begins Monday night, the earliest in 18 years. Many Jews aren’t prepared, but Valley temples still expect big crowds for services, which will include a reading of the Torah (above). . . . But don’t worry. The holidays won’t fall this early again until 2013 (B1).


PROBE: A Sun Valley company is under scrutiny. A source says Interactive America Corp., which was the second-largest bidder in July’s FCC auction for interactive television licenses, has become the subject of a criminal investigation, along with another firm (D1). . . . The firm qualified for discounts on its bid because, it said, it is a small business owned by a woman.

TOUGH GOAL: CSUN’s soccer team hopes to get off on the right foot tonight when it opens the new season against Cal Sate Dominguez Hills at North Campus Stadium. But the Matadors will have to do battle without All-American Armando Valdivia, who used up his eligibility (C15). . . . Players who must fill the scoring void include Matthew Davis, Keith West, Keith Rosenberg and Nelson Townes.
