
If the Truth About Spanking Were Told . . .

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Let me get this straight: The National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse asked parents if they hit or spanked their children within the past year, and they believe their findings? (“To Spank or Not to Spank?” Aug. 10).

This survey has to be skewed. In light of such incidents as the Kivi case, who would admit to using physical punishment nowadays? I’m surprised that anyone admitted to spanking a child, let alone a whole 49%.

It’s more likely that 51% of the parental participants didn’t want anyone to find out that last week, after repeated warnings and timeouts, Johnny ran into the street again and out of desperation Mommy spanked him.


Parents today are guilt-ridden from these isolated incidents. They’re worried about damaging their children’s self-esteem. They are also afraid of what Adrienne Ahlgren Haeuser so desperately wants--government intervention.


