
Jesse Jackson

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* Re “ ‘Disappointed’ Jackson Hints at Run in ‘96,” Aug. 27:

I read with disbelief that Jesse Jackson intends to run for President again in 1996 because he is “sadly disappointed” with President Clinton’s “dream-buster” performance.

Where has Jackson been since Clinton took office? President Clinton is head and shoulders above any chief executive in history in appointing blacks to high-level Cabinet positions. He is an outspoken proponent for civil rights and funding for urban development.

What more does Jackson expect? What is he trying to prove?

I think it’s a matter of sour grapes because Clinton is calling the shots in matters pertaining to blacks and not Jackson.


Jackson’s chances for President are practically next to impossible. Perhaps he has fallen victim of ubiquitous media addiction and cannot rest easy being out of the limelight and inconspicuously sidelined. He should stop spinning his wheels and retire from public life.


Los Angeles

* The volcanic mount Jesse Jackson is threatening again to erupt and spew enough lava to block the reelection path of Bill Clinton.

Any theories? Maybe he just wants a formal invitation to the January, 1997, inauguration of President Bob Dole and Vice President Phil Gramm so he can hobnob with his fellow clerics, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.



Los Angeles
