
Support A to Z Plan to Re-Examine Spending

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* I am writing to you concerning the bipartisan “A to Z” plan that is supported by Richard Sybert, who is running for Congress and is stationed in Woodland Hills, my home city. After further information was sent to me regarding the A to Z plan, I found it imperative to write to you to show that there is public concern regarding taxpayers’ dollars.

With only 14 more signatures required, the A to Z plan would require at least 56 hours of debate for dozens of as-yet unspecified spending cut amendments. What is original about this plan is that the overseeing of the debates would not be in the hands of the probable congressmen, but would be regulated by four junior House members. Another plus is that the plan was conceived with bipartisan roots.

I am a junior in high school and first began getting interested in “pork” through my speech and debate team, which emphasized many political topics. I strongly oppose the expenditure of taxpayers’ money for personal political gain and for entitlement programs that at first glance seem fine but then add up to ridiculous figures that jack up our deficit. My high school has one air-conditioned building, ONE.


When there are 1.4 billion public dollars being spent on helium reserve funds and not enough adequate facilities for our future to study in, something is not right. Now we have a chance to re-examine the spending that occurs in the appropriations committee and with entitlement programs. It seems ridiculous not to support such a plan so that we can get money flowing in the right direction.

There are certain requisites that need to be fulfilled with the public’s criteria as first priority. As of now, they are not. First things first. The mulberry bush run has to stop! As a concerned citizen, I demand your attention be brought to this A to Z plan.


Woodland Hills
