
Price Leads University Past Azusa, 28-0

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Senior Alan Price scored two touchdowns in the second half to give University a 28-0 victory over Azusa Thursday night at Irvine High.

Price, who rushed for 112 yards in six carries, ran 65 yards for a touchdown on University’s opening drive of the third quarter to put the Trojans ahead, 21-0.

Then, Price scored on a 25-yard touchdown run with 44 seconds left in the third quarter to give the Trojans a 28-0 lead.


University (1-1) won the game despite five turnovers--four fumbles and one interception. But Azusa (0-2), which has not scored in two games, had three fumbles and an interception.

The first fumble set up University’s first score, a one-yard touchdown run by senior fullback Ray Davis with 4:46 left in the second quarter.

University took a 14-0 lead when Stuart Meurer scored on an eight-yard touchdown run with 3:04 left in the second quarter.
