
Land Trade Feasible for Bolsa Chica

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* In the Times editorial “Middle Ground is Best for Bolsa Chica, (Sept. 4)” the statements are made that “The proposal for a huge new housing development has some people believing that no development is the best plan of all. That’s clearly unrealistic.” Not so.

A recent Times editorial has commented favorably on the proposed land swap involving the canyons of Santa Ana mountains owned by the Irvine Co. with the El Toro Marine base owned by federal government, thus preserving the canyons as environmental sensitive open space with no development, while compensating the landowner with equal value. This plan is certainly realistic, although not easy.

A similar land trade involving the Bolsa Chica for closed military bases or other surplus federal land would also preserve Bolsa Chica as a federal wildlife refuge or biodiversity park while compensating the Koll Real Estate Group with equal value. Like the Irvine Co. land trade, this scenario is not unrealistic.


Certainly what’s good for the goose (the Irvine Co.) should be good for the gander (the Koll Co.).


Huntington Beach

* The Times editorial (Sept. 4) aptly put the Bolsa Chica development in perspective: It is indeed “Reality Check Time For All Participants.”

For its sober assessment of all sides of the issue, The Times is to be commended. You have enunciated a strong, clear statement of reality that is long overdue.

As a former member of the Orange County Planning Commission, (I believe) you appropriately placed the responsibility for the planning process under the cognizance of those duly constituted to oversee land development planning.

Special interest groups clearly have a voice at the hearing, but must never be allowed to take over the process to the detriment of the principals in the case: The landowner, and county and state planning bodies.


Huntington Beach
