
Common Sense

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While reading the newspaper Sept. 4 and getting annoyed at the stupidity of various politicians, I was reminded of an idea I put forth some time ago. It elicited hoots of derision from my nearest and dearest, but I believe its time has come.

This country should establish a Panel of Common Sense, staffed by laymen with impeccable judgment, such as myself. We would have members of various racial, religious and ethnic groups with hands-on experience in many fields. Anyone with “expertise” derived from research or political office would be automatically excluded.

When a major new law, public policy or legal ruling is contemplated, it would be submitted to us first. We would call each other up and ask the one question that seems to elude many legislators, judges, psychologists and other professionals. That question is: “Does this make any sense to you?”


I’m afraid the answer would very often be a resounding “No!”


