
MOORPARK : Teachers, District Plan Contract Talks

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Moorpark’s teachers and school district officials plan to sit down for formal negotiations on a new contract by the first week of October, both sides said Tuesday.

Last spring, the Moorpark Educators Assn. asked for a 4% pay increase. A counteroffer made Friday by the district includes no pay raise.

“We’re putting no money on the table because there is no money,” said board member Tom Baldwin.


“But we’re saying that any new funds that come our way will go to salaries.”

Baldwin said the district’s offer includes a section that would set up a committee--of both union members and district officials--to find money for future raises.

Teachers in the Moorpark Unified School District have not had a raise in four years and have been without a contract for two years, according to union President Richard Gillis. While Gillis said he welcomes the chance to sit down with the district to negotiate, he would not comment on the district’s offer.

“It’s a big step that they’ve finally agreed to a time when we can sit down and meet face to face,” he said. “We’re very anxious to start the negotiations, but it would be premature to comment on their proposal.”


Baldwin and board member Clint Harper both said that several measures could be used to find money to increase salaries, including using lottery revenue or cutting back on the district’s non-teaching staff.

“None of the alternatives are very attractive,” Harper said.

But he said he hoped the two sides could discuss the alternatives and work out an agreement acceptable to both sides.
